More Questions on Spare Sprinklers

Q: In regards to TJC update on Spare Sprinkler Head Requirements: Will CMS accept the TJC position of 24 spare sprinkler heads for buildings with 1,000 or more total heads or will they interpret it to be 2 of each type and no less than 24 total heads? The reason I ask is, NFPA 13-2010 6.2.9 states that there must be at least two (2) sprinklers of each type and for facilities with 1,000 or more sprinklers there must be a minimum of 24 spare sprinklers. Our facility has more than 1,000 sprinkler heads of many different types? In our case, two (2) of each type amounts to 82 spare sprinklers and 11 wrenches. If the intent is for emergency responders to be able to replace a sprinkler after an event, they would need at least two (2) of each type, thus supporting my interpretation of the code.

A: Well, actually, it's section A. in the Annex of NFPA 13-2010 that suggests two of each type and temperature rating be provided. And while many authorities use the suggestions in the Annex as part of their strategy to enforce the code, it is not part of the enforceable code. Don’t get me wrong, the authorities have the right to take what’s written in the Annex and enforce it, but not all AHJs do that.

CMS is on the fence on many Annex notations. Some they do enforce, and some they do not. Off-hand, I don’t know where they stand on this particular issue. You would have to ask your CMS Regional Office to be sure. In the meantime, it would be wise to have two of each sprinkler type and temperature rating as suggested by the Annex.


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