Door Hold-Open Devices

Q: We have just remodeled two patient rooms and they put door closers on the doors to the rooms. So now they are asking for door hold-open devices. Will the hold-open devices be required to be hooked to the fire alarm?

A: It depends. Why did they install door closers in the first place? Was there a code or standard that requires it? The Life Safety Code would only require it if the doors were fire-rated doors or they were located in a barrier (wall) that also served as a smoke compartment separation barrier. Otherwise, according to section of the 2012 LSC, the corridor door to the patient room does not require a closer.

If you want to install a hold-open device that releases when the door is pushed or pulled, that would be acceptable based on section It does not have to be connected to the fire alarm system. Please understand that door wedges and drop-down kick-stands do not qualify for this push/pull exception.


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